Article: ROSA x Brother Brother
ROSA x Brother Brother
Something we're extremely enthusiastic about at Brother Brother is encountering fresh perspectives on the things we love. Remember finding your group in school? For some it's a little harder than others. Especially if you've got a broad span of interests, but are obsessed with the minutia that compose those interests.
My name is Dave Flynn. I’m from Upstate NY. I currently live in Portland ME. I’ve lived in almost every corner of New York State including middle-of-nowhere Western NY, Upward-Eastern NY and Brooklyn. I have a Bachelor’s in Painting + Sculpture and a Master’s in Furniture Design + Woodworking. I dig interesting style, good design, vintage clothing, ocean waves, pizza and nerdy pursuits.
I started Rosa 10 months ago in search of a fresh creative outlet. Before moving to Maine about 1 ½ years ago, I was the co-founder of a creative studio called Hey, Porter: we specialized in furniture, interior and graphic design. Our studio space had an unreal view of the glowing-red Kodak Company Tower in Rochester, NY. After 3 years, I came to realize that the furniture-game was not for me…I felt super-duper-wicked burnout so I decided to move to Maine for a fresh start. Rosa started as a way to fill that creative void and was a connection to a new community.
I've noticed Rosa pulls inspiration from movies, music, and other aspects of pop culture. What else would you say Rosa lives and breathes?Rosa lives and breathes the influences of subcultures within fashion, music, art, and places etc. Our graphic-led approach borrows ideas from DIY punk vibes, bootleg graphic shirts, skateboarding, and general nerding-out-ness. We strive on constant curiosity and questioning.
When designing graphics for Rosa tees, I take a research-based approach. If I’m unfamiliar with a subject that interests me, I try to learn everything I can about it. I get really stoked on all the weird, slips-through-the-cracks type of information I can uproot. For the Brother Brother union tee, Greg & Gary wanted to create a piece that illustrates their major appreciation for the infamous Japanese actor-director-duo Toshiro Mifune & Akira Kurosawa. I’m a huge Mifune-Kurosawa fan…so it was frickin’ perfect. I re-watched all the films with my personal favorite Mifune characters; "Seven Samurai", "Miyamoto Musashi", "Red Beard", "Throne of Blood"…then, I tried to get an understanding of the overall vibe setting that they have created for Brother Brother in LA. It became a study of color, mood, aesthetic motifs, time period, influence, Los Angeles, mid-century cinema, and style.
Some game-changing late-spring early-summer collabs are in the works. Products beyond graphic tees. Upcycling vintage garments in new ways. More nonsense...and a showroom in Maine.