Popeye Magazine September 2024 (#929)
Popeye – Issue 929: Diggin Secondhand Finds
Why do people go out of their way to buy second-hand goods? Of course, there is more than one reason. They can buy high-quality items at reasonable prices, or they have interesting designs and ideas that would never be thought of today, or they like the texture that changes over time. There are surely ten different answers for ten people. But the most important thing is that the act of finding a treasure among the many things piled up is the best fun for us. There are unexpected stories hidden in things that we don't understand, we are excited by folk crafts from countries we've never been to, and we learn about the unknown history of familiar brands. I think that such exciting experiences are what draw us to flea markets, second-hand shops, and recycle shops. So, if you haven't yet discovered the fun of digging through second-hand goods, I would like to tell you. Why not dig second-hand?
Language: Japanese
Origin: Japan
Theme: Men's Fashion, Culture, Styling